Enid Blyton The Adventures of the Wishing Chair Collection 3 Books Set Pack
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RRP: £14.97
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Titles in This Set
The Adventures of the Wishing-chair
The Wishing-chair Again
More Wishing-chair Stories
The Adventures of the Wishing-chair
"The Adventures of the Wishing Chair" - When Mollie and Peter go to buy their mother a birthday present, they discover the most extraordinary thing: a chair that can fly and grant wishes! The Wishing-Chair takes them on some marvellous adventures - to a castle where they narrowly escape from a giant and rescue Chinky the pixie, to the Land of Dreams, and to a disappearing island!You can be whisked away by Enid Blyton's magical Wishing-Chair stories.
The Wishing-chair Again
The "Wishing-Chair Again" - Mollie and Peter are home for the holidays and they long to see their pixie friend Chinky and their magic Wishing-Chair. Together they have wonderful adventures, but what happens when the Wishing-Chair is stolen and then gets its wings cut off by the naughty Slipperies?You can be whisked away by Enid Blyton's magical Wishing-Chair stories.
More Wishing-chair Stories
"More Wishing-Chair Stories" - Mollie and Peter and Chinky the pixie have more amazing adventures on their Wishing-Chair. They find gold at the end of the rainbow, they meet brownies and they visit the Land of Wishes. Best of all they get to help Santa Claus deliver presents for Christmas!You can be whisked away by Enid Blyton's magical Wishing-Chair stories.
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